Saturday, October 22, 2005

Encuentro nacional de Linux

Hace mucho tiempo que no escribía en mi blog, había estado bastante ocupado con trabajo, proyectos y mi familia, además no había tenido animo para digitar un par de lineas aquí. Ahora llevo tres días en Iquique, en el encuentro nacional de Linux el cual finalizó hoy en la tarde, como todos los encuentros sirvió para recargar energías, encontrarse con amigos, conocer nuevos y obtener retroalimentación desde la comunidad lo que incita a continuar trabajando con mas ahínco en el software de código abierto. Me alegro de haber conocido gente como Polkan Garcia, Leonardo Olmos, Rodolfo Pilas y Martín Marquez entre otros. Además cumplimos otro encuentro más en el cual GNOME marcó fuerte presencia, al menos Germán y yo hicimos todo el esfuerzo posible para lograrlo. Solo queda agradecer a la organización que como cada año han dado lo mejor de sí para hacer que esto sea una realidad, Felicitaciones!. Nos vemos el próximo año!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Trying to cover the sun with a finger

We are in a miltiverse, i belive that people from microsoft and other companies live in a parallel universe, that's the only one reason to do things like this, really do they think that can stop piracy?, i don't think so, this is only a new shape for music market, and who don't want to join it, will disappear. Well, there are more reasons for avoid windows vista.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Some stuff

Some things are happening here: * I'm working in Concepción with Víctor, setting up our new system in Aguas San Pedro, a good deployment for GNOME and Ubuntu. * This give me the chance to talk with German, and always is good to talk with him. * I've upgraded to breezy, thanks to German who give me the tip to replace x-libs with xkeyboard-config, so if you have the same problem trying to configure latin american keyboard on ubuntu, then you know what to do, also latin american is no longer "la" now is "latam", so make that change in your xorg.conf. * Breezy have a lots of new packages, GNOME for example, and i've the latest pygtk packages here, also is very stable, and you can enjoy GNOME 2.12 today! * PIDA is getting better, Tiago Cogumbreiro is doing a very good work there, guys try it! * People are discussing about GUADEC name, i guess that the main discussion should be about GUADEC area, only for europe?, chance to move it to other continents?, the name is ok, is too cryptic as other names, so the problem is not there.

Monday, September 05, 2005

New blog and new release!

Finally we have a new release for GNOME, so guys go on and join the party, congratulations to everybody for their effort, you guys rocks, and thanks for giving us the chance to get a new GNOME in our desktops.

Also i've moved my blog, so i hope this change will be a good for planets, and people stop complaining about my server problems.